import numpy as np
import spectrochempy as scp
from spectrochempy import Quantity, ur  # to simplify further writing
  SpectroChemPy's API - v.0.6.5
© Copyright 2014-2023 - A.Travert & C.Fernandez @ LCS

Units & Quantities

SpectroChemPy can do calculations with units - it uses pint to define and perform operation on data with units.

Two objects, ur and Quantity , allow the manipulation of data with units:

  • ur: stands for unit registry, is used to define and handle many type of units as well as making conversion between them.

  • Quantity: is a scalar or an array of scalars with some units.


For instance, a unit of speed can be defined as:

ur.cm / ur.s

Create quantities

to create quantity, use for instance, one of the following expression:

Quantity("10.0 cm^-1")
10.0 cm-1
Quantity(1.0, "cm^-1/hour")
1.0 cm-1.h-1
Quantity(10.0, ur.cm / ur.km)
10.0 scaled-dimensionless (1e-05)

or may be (?) simpler,

10.0 * ur.cm / ur.km
10.0 scaled-dimensionless (1e-05)

Do arithmetic with units

a = 900 * ur.km
b = 4.5 * ur.hours
a / b
200.0 km.h-1

Such calculations can also be done using the following syntax, using a string expression

Quantity("900 km / (4.5 hours)")
200.0 km.h-1

Conversion between units

c = a / b
d = c.to("cm/s")

As shown below to() has generated a new variable and does not affect the initial one:

print(f"initial quantity: c = {c}")
print(f"converted quantity: d = {d}")
initial quantity: c = 200.0 km.h⁻¹
converted quantity: d = 5555.555555555556 cm.s⁻¹

We can make the conversion inplace using ito() instead of to():

print(f"converted quantity: c = {c}")
converted quantity: c = 55.55555555555556 m.s⁻¹

Do math operations with consistent units

The units are transformed consistently in maths operations:

x = 10 * ur.meters
3.1622776601683795 m0.5
x = 10 * ur.radians

Consistency of the units are checked and errors are generated if quantities have not appropriate units with the math operation…

x = 10 * ur.meters
except scp.DimensionalityError as e:  # catch the error
        scp.DimensionalityError, e
    )  # generate the error message (see API configuration)

# Consistency of the units are checked and errors are generated if quantities have not appropriate units
# with the math operation...
 ERROR | DimensionalityError: Cannot convert from 'meter' ([length]) to 'radian' (dimensionless)

Stripping the units

If for any reason - including quick and dirty checks - unitless numbers are needed, the magnitude field can be used:

x = 10 * ur.meters

Units can be set for NDDataset data and/or Coordinates

ds = scp.NDDataset([1.0, 2.0, 3.0], units="g/cm^3", title="concentration")
name NDDataset_373ec80a
author runner@fv-az626-878
created 2023-06-06 01:34:01+00:00
title concentration
[ 1 2 3] g.cm⁻³
size 3
name NDDataset_374025ba
author runner@fv-az626-878
created 2023-06-06 01:34:01+00:00
title concentration
[ 1000 2000 3000] kg.m⁻³
size 3

One can do transparent calculation using the units

volume = Quantity("2 m^3")
ds1 = ds * volume
name NDDataset_3741fb4c
author runner@fv-az626-878
created 2023-06-06 01:34:01+00:00
2023-06-06 01:34:01+00:00> Binary operation mul with `2 m³` has been performed
title concentration
[ 2 4 6] g.m³.cm⁻³
size 3
ds1 / ds
name NDDataset_3743afb4
author runner@fv-az626-878
created 2023-06-06 01:34:01+00:00
2023-06-06 01:34:01+00:00> Binary operation mul with `2 m³` has been performed
2023-06-06 01:34:01+00:00> Binary operation truediv with `NDDataset_373ec80a` has been performed
title concentration
[ 2 2 2] m³
size 3