

Return the dataset sorted along a given dimension.

By default, it is the last dimension [axis=-1]) using the numeric or label values.

  • dim (str or int, optional, default=-1) – Dimension index or name along which to sort.

  • pos (int , optional) – If labels are multidimensional - allow to sort on a define row of labels : labels[pos]. Experimental : Not yet checked.

  • by (str among [‘value’, ‘label’], optional, default=``value``) – Indicate if the sorting is following the order of labels or numeric coord values.

  • descend (bool, optional, default=`False`) – If true the dataset is sorted in a descending direction. Default is False except if coordinates are reversed.

  • inplace (bool, optional, default=`False`) – Flag to say that the method return a new object (default) or not (inplace=True).


|NDDataset| – Sorted dataset.