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API Configuration

Many options of the API can be set up. Let’s first import it in the usual way:

import spectrochempy as scp
  SpectroChemPy's API - v.0.6.9.dev9
© Copyright 2014-2024 - A.Travert & C.Fernandez @ LCS

General information

General information on the API can be obtained the following variables:

print(f"   copyright : {scp.copyright}")
print(f"     version : {scp.version}")
print(f"     release : {scp.release}")
print(f"     license : {scp.license}")
print(f"         url : {scp.url}")
print(f"release_date : {scp.release_date}")
print(f"     authors : {scp.authors}")
print(f"contributors : {scp.contributors}")
print(f" description : {scp.description}")
   copyright : 2014-2024 - A.Travert & C.Fernandez @ LCS
     version : 0.6.9.dev9
     release : 0.6.9.dev9
     license : CeCILL-B license
         url : https://www.spectrochempy.fr
release_date : 2024-03-06
     authors : C. Fernandez & A. Travert
contributors : A. Ait Blal, W. Guérin, M. Mailänder
 description : SpectroChemPy is a framework for processing, analysing and modelling Spectroscopic data for Chemistry with Python.


During the execution, the API can display, besides the expected output, various messages categorized according to their criticality:

Loglevel / criticality


DEBUG / 10

diagnose problems on the running process or help developers

INFO / 20

general information on the running process

WARNING / 30 (default)

a condition might cause a problem WRT expected


ERROR / 40

wrong argument/commands or bug


could lead to a system crash

Not all this information is always necessary and the level of information displayed by SpectroChemPy can be tuned using the command scp.set_loglevel() with the rule that only information having a criticality larger than that passed to the set_loglevel() function will be shown.

For instance, the DEBUG level can be triggered by using one of the equivalent instructions


The current loglevel can be obtained with the scp.get_loglevel() function.

The following instruction prints the current loglevel

print(f"Default: {scp.get_loglevel()}")  # print the current loglevel
Default: 30

It yields 30 the numerical value corresponding to the WARNING level. Now, the next instruction lowers the loglevel to "INFO" :


We see that the API then delivers the INFO message: "changed default log_level to INFO" .

And finally, the next instructions reset the loglevel to "WARNING" level (default), and print it. As seen below, no message "changed default log_level to ..." is delivered

scp.set_loglevel("WARNING")  # reset to default
print(f"New loglevel: {scp.get_loglevel()}")
New loglevel: 30

It is also possible to issue such messages in scripts. In the cell below, we set the loglevel to INFO and try to print two types of messages:

scp.info_("this is an info message!")
scp.debug_("this is a debug message!")
 this is an info message!

As expected, only the info message was displayed.

If we change the loglevel to DEBUG , then the two messages will be printed:

scp.info_("this is an info message!")
scp.debug_("this is a debug message!")
 this is an info message!
 DEBUG | this is a debug message!

Finally, we come back to the standard level of message for the rest of the Tutorial – in this case neither DEBUG nor INFO messages will be printed.


scp.info_("this is an info message!")
scp.debug_("this is a debug message!")

Error handling

If something goes wrong with during a cell execution, a traceback is displayed.

For instance, the object or method toto does not exist in the API, so an error (ImportError ) is generated when trying to import this from the API.

Here we catch the error with a conventional try-except structure

    from spectrochempy import toto
except ImportError as e:
    scp.error_(ImportError, "OOPS, THAT'S AN IMPORT ERROR! : %s" % e)
 ERROR | ImportError: OOPS, THAT'S AN IMPORT ERROR! : cannot import name 'toto' from 'spectrochempy' (/home/runner/micromamba/envs/scpy_docs/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spectrochempy/__init__.py)

The error will stop the execution if not caught.

This is a basic behavior of python : one way to avoid stopping the execution without displaying a message is :

    from spectrochempy import toto  # noqa: F811, F401
except Exception: