
NDDataset.fromfunction(cls, function, shape=None, dtype=float, units=None, coordset=None, **kwargs)[source]

Construct a nddataset by executing a function over each coordinate.

The resulting array therefore has a value fn(x, y, z) at coordinate (x, y, z) .

  • function (callable) – The function is called with N parameters, where N is the rank of shape or from the provided coordset.

  • shape ((N,) tuple of ints, optional) – Shape of the output array, which also determines the shape of the coordinate arrays passed to function. It is optional only if coordset is None.

  • dtype (data-type, optional) – Data-type of the coordinate arrays passed to function. By default, dtype is float.

  • units (str, optional) – Dataset units. When None, units will be determined from the function results.

  • coordset (|Coordset| instance, optional) – If provided, this determine the shape and coordinates of each dimension of the returned NDDataset . If shape is also passed it will be ignored.

  • **kwargs – Other kwargs are passed to the final object constructor.


fromfunction – The result of the call to function is passed back directly. Therefore the shape of fromfunction is completely determined by function.

See also


Make a dataset from an iterable.


Create a 1D NDDataset from a function

>>> func1 = lambda t, v: v * t
>>> time = scp.LinearCoord.arange(0, 60, 10, units='min')
>>> d = scp.fromfunction(func1, v=scp.Quantity(134, 'km/hour'), coordset=scp.CoordSet(t=time))
>>> d.dims
>>> d
NDDataset: [float64] km (size: 6)