Citing SpectroChemPy

When using SpectroChemPy for your own work, you are kindly requested to cite it this way:

Travert Arnaud, Fernandez Christian (2024). SpectroChemPy, a framework for processing,
analyzing and modeling spectroscopic data for chemistry with Python (version 0.6.8).
Zenodo, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3823841 URL:

Bibtex field:

author = {Travert, Arnaud and Fernandez, Christian},
license = {CECILL-B},
month = {3},
publisher = {zenodo},
title = {SpectroChemPy, a framework for processing, analyzing and modeling spectroscopic data for chemistry with Python},
url = {},
version = {0.6.8},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3823841},
year = {2024}