Analysis CP NMR spectra

Example with handling of a series of CP NMR spectra.

Import API

import spectrochempy as scp

Import NMR spectra

Define the folder where are the spectra

datadir = scp.preferences.datadir
nmrdir = datadir / "nmrdata" / "bruker" / "tests" / "nmr" / "CP"

Set the glob pattern in order to load a series of spectra of given type in the given directory (here we read fid, but we could also read “1r” files when available)

/home/runner/micromamba/envs/scpy_docs/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spectrochempy/extern/ UserWarning: Error reading the pulse program
  warn("Error reading the pulse program")

15 fids have been read and merged into a single dataset

name CP expno:94 procno:1 (FID)
author runner@fv-az1152-754
created 2024-03-08 01:00:09+00:00
Concatenation of 15 datasets:
( CP expno:80 procno:1 (FID), CP expno:81 procno:1 (FID), CP expno:82 procno:1 (FID), CP expno:83 procno:1 (FID), CP expno:84 procno:1 (FID), CP expno:85 procno:1 (FID), CP expno:86 procno:1 (FID), CP expno:87 procno:1 (FID), CP expno:88 procno:1 (FID), CP expno:89 procno:1 (FID), CP expno:90 procno:1 (FID), CP expno:91 procno:1 (FID), CP expno:92 procno:1 (FID), CP expno:93 procno:1 (FID), CP expno:94 procno:1 (FID) )
2024-03-08 01:00:09+00:00> Created by concatenate
2024-03-08 01:00:09+00:00> Stacked from several files
title intensity
R[[-0.05957 -0.3873 ... -0.003637 -0.00117]
[-0.08434 -0.5342 ... -0.004302 0.003153]
[-0.04476 -0.2129 ... 0.002508 0.007919]
[-0.01885 -0.1031 ... 0.001875 -0.005607]] pp
I[[0.0007904 0.02556 ... -0.003612 -0.007104]
[-0.006849 0.01868 ... -0.002714 0.004092]
[0.006191 0.02719 ... -0.008843 -0.009201]
[0.004219 0.02111 ... 0.003521 0.002012]] pp
shape (y:15, x:1947(complex))
size 1947
title F1 acquisition time
[ 0 24.8 ... 4.824e+04 4.826e+04] µs
size 15
title timestamp
[1359924945 1359949976 ... 1360100375 1360112954]
title expno
[ 80 81 ... 93 94]
title p15
[ 100 200 ... 1e+04 1.5e+04] µs

The new dimension (y) have several coordinates corresponding to all metadata that change from fid to fid.

In the present case, the relevant coordinates is given by the p15 array which is the array of CP contact times.

To have y using this coordinates, we need to select it

plot the dataset (zoom on the begining of the fid)

prefs = dataset.preferences
prefs.figure.figsize = (9, 4)
_ = ax = dataset.plot(colorbar=True)
_ = ax.set_xlim(0, 5000)
plot processing cp nmr

Process a fourier transform along the x dimension

# exponential multiplication
nd1 = scp.em(dataset, lb=50)

fourier transform

nd2 = scp.fft(nd1, si=4096)

perform a phase correction of order 0 (need to be tuned carefully)

nd3 =, phc0=-118)


_ = nd3.plot()
plot processing cp nmr

## Baseline correction Here we use the snip algorithm

nd4 = scp.snip(nd3, snip_width=200)

ax = nd4.plot()
_ = ax.set_xlim(225, 25)
_ = ax.set_ylim(-1, 10)
plot processing cp nmr

## Peak peaking we will use here the max of each spectra

peaks, properties = nd4.max(dim=0).find_peaks(height=2.0, width=0.5, wlen=33.0)
print(f"position of the peaks : {}")
position of the peaks : [   174.2    99.38    70.46]

properties of the peaks

table_pos = "  ".join([f"{peaks[i].x.value.m:>10.3f}" for i in range(len(peaks))])
print(f'{"peak_position (cm⁻¹)":>26}: {table_pos}')
for key in properties:
    table_property = "  ".join(
        [f"{properties[key][i].m:>10.3f}" for i in range(len(peaks))]
    title = f"{key:>.16} ({properties[key][0].u:~P})"
    print(f"{title:>26}: {table_property}")
peak_position (cm⁻¹):    174.243      99.379      70.458
   peak_heights (pp):      2.579       3.516       9.606
    prominences (pp):      2.242       3.069       9.028
    left_bases (ppm):    186.765     110.857      86.891
   right_bases (ppm):    162.408      88.945      56.763
        widths (ppm):      5.575       8.569      11.783
  width_heights (pp):      1.458       1.982       5.092
      left_ips (ppm):    177.015     103.010      76.346
     right_ips (ppm):    171.440      94.441      64.562

plot with peak markers and the left/right-bases indicators

ax = nd4.plot()  # output the spectrum on ax. ax will receive next plot too
pks = peaks + 0.5  # add a small offset on the y position of the markers
_ = pks.plot_scatter(
    clear=False,  # we need to keep the previous output on ax
    data_only=True,  # we don't need to redraw all things like labels, etc...
    ylim=(-0.1, 13),
    xlim=(225, 25),

for i, p in enumerate(pks):
    x, y = p.x.values, (p + 0.5).values
    _ = ax.annotate(
        xy=(x, y),
        xytext=(-5, 5),
        textcoords="offset points",
    for w in (properties["left_bases"][i], properties["right_bases"][i]):
        ax.axvline(w, linestyle="--", color="green")
    for w in (properties["left_ips"][i], properties["right_ips"][i]):
        ax.axvline(w, linestyle=":", color="red")
plot processing cp nmr

Get the section at once using fancy indexing

sections = nd4[:,]

# The array sections has a shape (15, 3).
# We must transpose it to plot the three sections has a function of contact time
sections = sections.T

# now plot it
ax = sections.plot(marker="o", lw="1", ls=":", legend="best", colormap="jet")
_ = ax.set_xlim(0, 16000)
plot processing cp nmr

The sections we have taken here represent the maximum heigths of the peaks. However it could may be interesting to have the area of the peak instead. Let’s use the left and right bases to perform the integration of the peaks.

area = []
for i in range(len(peaks)):
    lb, ub = properties["left_bases"][i].m, properties["right_bases"][i].m
    a = nd4[:, lb:ub].simpson()

area = scp.NDDataset(
    dims=["y", "x"],
    coordset=scp.CoordSet({"y": peaks.x.copy(), "x": nd4.y.default.copy()}),
area.plot(marker="o", lw="1", ls=":", legend="best", colormap="jet")
plot processing cp nmr
/home/runner/micromamba/envs/scpy_docs/lib/python3.10/site-packages/spectrochempy/analysis/integration/ DeprecationWarning: 'scipy.integrate.simps' is deprecated in favour of 'scipy.integrate.simpson' and will be removed in SciPy 1.14.0
  return scipy.integrate.simps(, **kwargs)
name NDDataset_37165c60
author runner@fv-az1152-754
created 2024-03-08 01:00:11+00:00
title area
[[ 5.345 6.433 ... 14.57 10.45]
[ 19.07 25.3 ... 14.14 9.299]
[ 70.81 92 ... 47.23 25.29]] pp.ppm
shape (y:3, x:15)
size 15
title p15
[ 100 200 ... 1e+04 1.5e+04] µs
size 3
title $\delta\ ^{13}C$
[ 174.2 99.38 70.46] ppm

Fitting a model to these data

import numpy as np

# create an Optimize object using a simple leastsq method
fitter = scp.Optimize(log_level="INFO", method="leastsq")

# define a model
# Note: This is only for sake of demonstration,
# as the model is probably not sufficient to fit the data correctly.
def cp_model(t, i0, tis, t1irho):  # warning: no underscore in variable names
    I = i0 * (np.exp(-t / t1irho) - np.exp(-t * (1 / tis))) / (1 - tis / t1irho)
    return I

# Add the model to the fitter usermodels as it it not a built-in model
fitter.usermodels = {"CP_model": cp_model}
index = 0
s = area[index]

# Define the parameter variables using a script
# (parameter: value, low_bound,  high_bound)
# - no underscore in parameters names.
# - times are in the units of the data time coordinates (here `s`)
# - initially we assume relaxation (T1rho) time constant vey large
fitter.script = """
 MODEL: cp
 shape: cp_model
    $ i0:     25, 0.1, none
    $ t1irho: 1e4, 1, none
    $ tis:  800, 1, 10000

_ =

spred = fitter.predict()

ax = fitter.plotmerit(
    title=f"fitting CP dynamic (peaks at {peaks.x[index].values})",
_ = ax.set_xlim(0, 16000)
fitting CP dynamic (peaks at 174.243 ppm)

shape: cp_model
       $ i0:    19.2907, 0.1, none
       $ t1irho: 23482.1113, 1, none
       $ tis:   796.2717, 1, 10000
index = 1
s = area[index]
fitter.script = """
 MODEL: cp
 shape: cp_model
    $ i0:     35, 0.1, none
    $ t1irho: 1e4, 1, none
    $ tis:  800, 1, 10000

_ =

spred = fitter.predict()

ax = fitter.plotmerit(
    title=f"fitting CP dynamic (peaks at {peaks.x[index].values})",
_ = ax.set_xlim(0, 16000)
fitting CP dynamic (peaks at 99.379 ppm)

shape: cp_model
       $ i0:    34.7742, 0.1, none
       $ t1irho: 11463.4261, 1, none
       $ tis:   174.4446, 1, 10000
index = 2
s = area[index]
fitter.script = """
 MODEL: cp
 shape: cp_model
    $ i0:     125, 0.1, none
    $ t1irho: 1e4, 1, none
    $ tis:  800, 1, 10000

_ =

spred = fitter.predict()

ax = fitter.plotmerit(
    title=f"fitting CP dynamic (peaks at {peaks.x[index].values})",
_ = ax.set_xlim(0, 16000)
fitting CP dynamic (peaks at 70.458 ppm)

shape: cp_model
       $ i0:   129.5282, 0.1, none
       $ t1irho: 10031.3640, 1, none
       $ tis:   196.1622, 1, 10000

The model looks good for the peak at 174 ppm. This peak appears to be composed of a single species, which is not the case for the other peaks at 99 and 70 ppm. Deconvolution of these two peaks is therefore probably necessary for a better analysis.

This ends the example ! The following line can be removed or commented when the example is run as a notebook (*.ipynb).


Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 2.745 seconds)

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