
This section shows the main plotting capabilities of SpectroChemPy. Most of them are based on Matplotlib, one of the most used plotting library for Python, and its pyplot interface. While not mandatory, to follow this tutorial, some familiarity with this library can help, and we recommend a brief look at some matplotlib tutorials as well.

Note that in the near future, SpectroChemPy should also offer the possibility to use Plotly for a better interactivity inside a notebook.

Finally, some commands and objects used here are described in-depth in the sections related to import and slicing of NDDatasets and the * NDDatasets themselves.

Load the API

First, before anything else, we import the spectrochempy API:

import spectrochempy as scp
  SpectroChemPy's API - v.0.6.8
© Copyright 2014-2024 - A.Travert & C.Fernandez @ LCS

Loading the data

For sake of demonstration we import a NDDataset consisting in infrared spectra from an omnic .spg file and make some (optional) preparation of the data to display (see also Import IR Data).

dataset ="irdata/nh4y-activation.spg")

Preparing the data

dataset = dataset[:, 4000.0:650.0]  # We keep only the region that we want to display

We change the y coordinated so that times start at 0, put it in minutes and change its title/

dataset.y -= dataset.y[0]
dataset.y.title = "relative time on stream"

We also mask a region that we do not want to display

dataset[:, 1290.0:920.0] = scp.MASKED

Selecting the output window

For the examples below, we use inline matplotlib figures (non-interactive): this can be forced using the magic function before loading spectrochempy.:

%matplotlib inline

but it is also the default in Jupyter lab (so we don’t really need to specify this). Note that when such magic function has been used, it is not possible to change the setting, except by resetting the notebook kernel.

If one wants interactive displays (with selection, zooming, etc…) one can use:

%matplotlib widget

However, this suffers (at least for us) some incompatibilities in jupyter lab … it is worth to try! If you can not get it working in jupyter lab and you need interactivity, you can use the following:


which has the effect of displaying the figures in independent windows using default matplotlib backend (e.g., Tk ), with all the interactivity of matplotlib.

But you can explicitly request a different GUI backend:

%matplotlib qt
%matplotlib inline

Default plotting

To plot the previously loaded dataset, it is very simple: we use the plot command (generic plot).

As the current NDDataset is 2D, a stack plot is displayed by default, with a viridis colormap.

_ = dataset.plot()

Note, in the cell above, that we used _ = ... syntax. This is to avoid any output but the plot from this statement.

Note also that the plot() method uses some of NDDataset metadata: the NDDataset.x coordinate data (here the wavenumber values), name (here ‘wavenumbers’), units (here ‘cm-1’) as well as the NDDataset.title (here ‘absorbance’) and `NDDataset.units (here ‘absorbance’).

Changing the aspect of the plot

Change the NDDataset.preferences

We can change the default plot configuration for this dataset by changing its `preferences’ attributes (see at the end of this tutorial for an overview of all the available parameters).

prefs = dataset.preferences  # we will use prefs instead of dataset.preference
prefs.figure.figsize = (6, 3)  # The default figsize is (6.8,4.4)
prefs.colorbar = True  # This add a color bar on a side
prefs.colormap = "magma"  # The default colormap is viridis
prefs.axes.facecolor = ".95"  # Make the graph background colored in a light gray
prefs.axes.grid = True

_ = dataset.plot()

The colormap can also be changed by setting cmap in the arguments. If you prefer not using colormap, cmap=None should be used. For instance:

_ = dataset.plot(cmap=None, colorbar=False)

Note that, by default, sans-serif font are used for all text in the figure. But if you prefer, serif, or monospace font can be used instead. For instance:

[10]: = "monospace"
_ = dataset.plot()
findfont: Font family ['cursive'] not found. Falling back to DejaVu Sans.
findfont: Generic family 'cursive' not found because none of the following families were found: Apple Chancery, Textile, Zapf Chancery, Sand, Script MT, Felipa, cursive


Once changed, the NDDataset.preferences attributes will be used for the subsequent plots, but can be reset to the initial defaults anytime using the NDDataset.preferences.reset() method. For instance:

print(f"font before reset: {}")
print(f"font after reset: {}")
font before reset: monospace

font after reset: sans-serif

It is also possible to change a parameter for a single plot without changing the preferences attribute by passing it as an argument of the plot()method. For instance, as in matplotlib, the default colormap is `viridis’:


but ‘magma’ can be passed to the plot() method:

_ = dataset.plot(colormap="magma")

while the preferences.colormap is still set to `viridis’:


and will be used by default for the next plots:

_ = dataset.plot()

Adding titles and annotations

The plot function return a reference to the subplot ax object on which the data have been plotted. We can then use this reference to modify some element of the plot.

For example, here we add a title and some annotations:

prefs.colorbar = False
prefs.colormap = "terrain" = "monospace"

ax = dataset.plot()
)  # This temporarily suppress the grid after the plot is done but is not saved in prefs

# set title
title = ax.set_title("NH$_4$Y IR spectra during activation")

# put some text
ax.text(1200.0, 1, "Masked region\n (saturation)", rotation=90)

# put some fancy annotations (see matplotlib documentation to learn how to design this)
_ = ax.annotate(
    "OH groups",
    xy=(3600.0, 1.25),
    xytext=(-10, -50),
    textcoords="offset points",


More information about annotation can be found in the matplotlib documentation: annotations

Changing the plot style using matplotlib style sheets

The easiest way to change the plot style may be to use pre-defined styles such as those used in matplotlib styles. This is directly included in the preferences of SpectroChemPy

[17]: = "grayscale"
_ = dataset.plot()

[18]: = "ggplot"
_ = dataset.plot()

Other styles are : * paper , which create figure suitable for two columns article (fig width: 3.4 inch) * poster * talk

the styles can be combined, so you can have a style sheet that customizes colors and a separate style sheet that alters element sizes for presentations:

prefs.reset() = "grayscale", "paper"
_ = dataset.plot(colorbar=True)


As previously, style specification can also be done directly in the plot method without affecting the `preferences’ attribute.

prefs.colormap = "magma"
_ = dataset.plot(style=["scpy", "paper"])


To get a list of all available styles :


Again, to restore the default setting, you can use the reset function

_ = dataset.plot()


Create your own style

If you want to create your own style for later use, you can use the command makestyle (warning: you can not use scpy which is the READONLY default style:

 ERROR | NameError: Style name starting with `scpy` are READ-ONLY. Please use an another style name.

If no name is provided a default name is used :mydefault



prefs.colorbar = True
prefs.colormap = "jet" = "monospace"
prefs.font.size = 14
prefs.axes.labelcolor = "blue"
prefs.axes.grid = True
prefs.axes.grid_axis = "x"

_ = dataset.plot()


_ = dataset.plot()  # plot with the default scpy style

[27]: = "mydefault"
_ = dataset.plot()  # plot with our own style


Changing the type of plot

By default, plots of 2D datasets are done in ‘stack’ mode. Other available modes are ‘map’, ‘image’, ‘surface’ and ‘waterfall’.

The default can be changed permanently by setting the variable pref.method_2D to one of these alternative modes, for instance if you like to have contour plot, you can use:


prefs.method_2D = "map"  # this will change permanently the type of 2D plot
prefs.colormap = "magma"
prefs.figure_figsize = (5, 3)
_ = dataset.plot()


You can also, for an individual plot use specialised plot commands, such as plot_stack() , plot_map() , plot_waterfall() , plot_surface() or plot_image() , or equivalently the generic plot function with the method parameter, i.e., plot(method='stack') , plot(method='map') , etc…

These modes are illustrated below:

prefs.axes_facecolor = "white"
_ = dataset.plot_image(colorbar=True)  # will use image_cmap preference!

Here we use the generic plot() with the `method’ argument and we change the image_cmap:

_ = dataset.plot(method="image", image_cmap="jet", colorbar=True)

The colormap normalization can be changed using the norm parameter, as illustrated below, for a centered colomap:

import matplotlib as mpl

norm = mpl.colors.CenteredNorm()
_ = dataset.plot(method="image", image_cmap="jet", colorbar=True, norm=norm)

or below for a log scale (more information about colormap normalization can be found here).

norm = mpl.colors.LogNorm(vmin=0.1, vmax=4.0)
_ = dataset.plot(method="image", image_cmap="jet", colorbar=True, norm=norm)

Below an example of a waterfall plot:

_ = dataset.plot_waterfall(figsize=(7, 4), y_reverse=True)

And finally an example of a surface plot:

_ = dataset.plot_surface(figsize=(7, 7), linewidth=0, y_reverse=True, autolayout=False)

Plotting 1D datasets

d1D = dataset[-1]  # select the last row of the previous 2D dataset
_ = d1D.plot(color="r")
[36]: = "seaborn-v0_8-paper"
_ = dataset[3].plot(scatter=True, pen=False, me=30, ms=5)

Plotting several dataset on the same figure

We can plot several datasets on the same figure using the clear argument.

nspec = int(len(dataset) / 4)
ds1 = dataset[:nspec]  # split the dataset into too parts
ds2 = dataset[nspec:] - 2.0  # add an offset to the second part

ax1 = ds1.plot_stack()
_ = ds2.plot_stack(ax=ax1, clear=False, zlim=(-2.5, 4))

For 1D datasets only, you can also use the plot_multiplemethod:

datasets = [dataset[0], dataset[10], dataset[20], dataset[50], dataset[53]]
labels = ["sample {}".format(label) for label in ["S1", "S10", "S20", "S50", "S53"]]
prefs.axes.facecolor = ".99"
prefs.axes.grid = True
_ = scp.plot_multiple(
    method="scatter", me=10, datasets=datasets, labels=labels, legend="best"

Overview of the main configuration parameters

To display a dictionary of the current settings (compared to those set by default at API startup), you can simply type :

    "axes_facecolor": ".99",
    "axes_grid": true

Warning: Note that with respect to matplotlib,the parameters in the dataset.preferences dictionary have a slightly different name, e.g. figure_figsize (SpectroChemPy) instead of figure.figsize (matplotlib syntax) (this is because in SpectroChemPy, dot (. ) cannot be used in parameter name, and thus it is replaced by an underscore (_ ))

To display the current values of all parameters corresponding to one group, e.g. lines , type:

    "antialiased": true,
    "color": "b",
    "dash_capstyle": "butt",
    "dash_joinstyle": "round",
    "dashdot_pattern": [
    "dashed_pattern": [
    "dotted_pattern": [
    "linestyle": "-",
    "linewidth": 0.75,
    "marker": "None",
    "markeredgecolor": "auto",
    "markeredgewidth": 0.0,
    "markerfacecolor": "auto",
    "markersize": 7.0,
    "scale_dashes": false,
    "solid_capstyle": "round",
    "solid_joinstyle": "round"

To display help on a single parameter, type:

lines_linewidth = 0.75      [default: 0.75]
                    line width in points

To view all parameters:

agg_path_chunksize = 20000  [default: 20000]
                    0 to disable; values in the range 10000 to 100000 can improve speed slightly and
                    prevent an Agg rendering failure when plotting very large data sets, especially
                    if they are very gappy. It may cause minor artifacts, though. A value of 20000
                    is probably a good starting point.

antialiased = True  [default: True]
                    antialiased option for surface plot

axes3d_grid = True  [default: True]
                    display grid on 3d axes

axes_autolimit_mode = data  [default: data]
                    How to scale axes limits to the data. Use "data" to use data limits, plus some
                    margin. Use "round_number" move to the nearest "round" number

axes_axisbelow = True       [default: True]
                    whether axis gridlines and ticks are below the axes elements (lines, text, etc)

axes_edgecolor = k  [default: black]
                    axes edge color

axes_facecolor = .99        [default: F0F0F0]
                    axes background color

axes_formatter_limits = (-7.0, 7.0)         [default: traitlets.Undefined]
                    use scientific notation if log10 of the axis range is smaller than the first or
                    larger than the second

axes_formatter_offset_threshold = 4         [default: 4]
                    When useoffset is True, the offset will be used when it can remove at least this
                    number of significant digits from tick labels.

axes_formatter_use_locale = False   [default: False]
                    When True, format tick labels according to the user"s locale. For example, use
                    "," as a decimal separator in the fr_FR locale.

axes_formatter_use_mathtext = False         [default: False]
                    When True, use mathtext for scientific notation.

axes_formatter_useoffset = False    [default: False]
                    If True, the tick label formatter will default to labeling ticks relative to an
                    offset when the data range is small compared to the minimum absolute value of
                    the data.

axes_grid = True    [default: False]
                    display grid or not

axes_grid_axis = both       [default: both]

axes_grid_which = major     [default: major]

axes_labelcolor = k         [default: black]

axes_labelpad = 5.0         [default: 4.0]
                    space between label and axis

axes_labelsize = 10.0       [default: 10.0]
                    fontsize of the x any y labels

axes_labelweight = normal   [default: normal]
                    weight of the x and y labels

axes_linewidth = 1.0        [default: 0.8]
                    edge linewidth

axes_prop_cycle = cycler('color', ['0072B2', '009E73', 'D55E00', 'CC79A7', 'F0E442', '56B4E9'])     [default: cycler('color', ['007200', '009E73', 'D55E00', 'CC79A7', 'F0E442', '56B4E9'])]
                    color cycle for plot lines as list of string colorspecs: single letter, long
                    name, or web-style hex

axes_spines_bottom = True   [default: True]

axes_spines_left = True     [default: True]

axes_spines_right = True    [default: True]

axes_spines_top = True      [default: True]

axes_titlepad = 5.0         [default: 5.0]
                    pad between axes and title in points

axes_titlesize = 14.0       [default: 14.0]
                    fontsize of the axes title

axes_titleweight = normal   [default: normal]
                    font weight for axes title

axes_titley = 1.0   [default: 1.0]
                    at the top, no autopositioning.

axes_unicode_minus = True   [default: True]
                    use unicode for the minus symbol rather than hyphen. See

axes_xmargin = 0.0  [default: 0.05]
                    x margin. See `axes.Axes.margins`

axes_ymargin = 0.0  [default: 0.05]
                    y margin See `axes.Axes.margins`

ccount = 50         [default: 50]
                    ccount (steps in the column mode) for surface plot

colorbar = False    [default: False]
                    Show color bar for 2D plots

colormap = viridis  [default: viridis]
                    A colormap name, gray etc... (equivalent to image_cmap

contour_alpha = 1.0         [default: 1.0]
                    Transparency of the contours

contour_corner_mask = True  [default: True]
                    True | False | legacy

contour_negative_linestyle = dashed         [default: dashed]
                    dashed | solid

contour_start = 0.05        [default: 0.05]
                    Fraction of the maximum for starting contour levels

date_autoformatter_day = %b %d %Y   [default: %b %d %Y]

date_autoformatter_hour = %H:%M:%S  [default: %H:%M:%S]

date_autoformatter_microsecond = %H:%M:%S.%f        [default: %H:%M:%S.%f]

date_autoformatter_minute = %H:%M:%S.%f     [default: %H:%M:%S.%f]

date_autoformatter_month = %b %Y    [default: %b %Y]

date_autoformatter_second = %H:%M:%S.%f     [default: %H:%M:%S.%f]

date_autoformatter_year = %Y        [default: %Y]

errorbar_capsize = 3.0      [default: 1.0]
                    length of end cap on error bars in pixels

figure_autolayout = True    [default: True]
                    When True, automatically adjust subplot parameters to make the plot fit the

figure_dpi = 96.0   [default: 96.0]
                    figure dots per inch

figure_edgecolor = white    [default: white]
                    figure edgecolor

figure_facecolor = white    [default: white]
                    figure facecolor; 0.75 is scalar gray

figure_figsize = (5.5, 3.5)         [default: traitlets.Undefined]
                    figure size in inches

figure_frameon = True       [default: True]
                    Show figure frame

figure_max_open_warning = 30        [default: 30]
                    The maximum number of figures to open through the pyplot interface before
                    emitting a warning. If less than one this feature is disabled.

figure_subplot_bottom = 0.12        [default: 0.12]
                    the bottom of the subplots of the figure

figure_subplot_hspace = 0.0         [default: 0.0]
                    the amount of height reserved for white space between subplots, expressed as a
                    fraction of the average axis height

figure_subplot_left = 0.15  [default: 0.15]
                    the left side of the subplots of the figure

figure_subplot_right = 0.95         [default: 0.95]
                    the right side of the subplots of the figure

figure_subplot_top = 0.98   [default: 0.98]
                    the top of the subplots of the figure

figure_subplot_wspace = 0.0         [default: 0.0]
                    the amount of width reserved for blank space between subplots, expressed as a
                    fraction of the average axis width

figure_titlesize = 12.0     [default: 12.0]
                    size of the figure title (Figure.suptitle())

figure_titleweight = normal         [default: normal]
                    weight of the figure title

font_family = sans-serif    [default: sans-serif]

font_size = 10.0    [default: 10.0]
                    The default fontsize. Special text sizes can be defined relative to font.size,
                    using the following values: xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large,
                    xx-large, larger, or smaller

font_style = normal         [default: normal]
                    normal (or roman), italic or oblique

font_variant = normal       [default: normal]

font_weight = normal        [default: normal]
                    100|200|300|normal or 400|500|600|bold or 700|800|900|bolder|lighter

grid_alpha = 1.0    [default: 1.0]
                    transparency, between 0.0 and 1.0

grid_color = .85    [default: .85]
                    grid color

grid_linestyle = -  [default: -]

grid_linewidth = 0.85       [default: 0.85]
                    in points

hatch_color = k     [default: black]

hatch_linewidth = 1.0       [default: 1.0]

hist_bins = 10      [default: traitlets.Undefined]
                    The default number of histogram bins. If Numpy 1.11 or later is installed, may
                    also be `auto`

image_aspect = equal        [default: equal]
                    equal | auto | a number

image_cmap = viridis        [default: viridis]
                    A colormap name, gray etc...

image_composite_image = True        [default: True]
                    When True, all the images on a set of axes are combined into a single composite
                    image before saving a figure as a vector graphics file, such as a PDF.

image_interpolation = bilinear      [default: antialiased]
                    see help(imshow) for options

image_lut = 256     [default: 256]
                    the size of the colormap lookup table

image_origin = upper        [default: upper]
                    lower | upper

image_resample = False      [default: True]

latex_preamble = \usepackage{siunitx}
                            \usepackage{times} # set the normal font here
                            # load up the sansmath so that math -> helvet
                                 [default: \usepackage{siunitx}
                            \usepackage{times} # set the normal font here
                            # load up the sansmath so that math -> helvet
                    Latex preamble for matplotlib outputs IMPROPER USE OF THIS FEATURE WILL LEAD TO
                    LATEX FAILURES. preamble is a comma separated list of LaTeX statements that are
                    included in the LaTeX document preamble. An example: text.latex.preamble :
                    \usepackage{bm},\usepackage{euler} The following packages are always loaded with
                    usetex, so beware of package collisions: color, geometry, graphicx, type1cm,
                    textcomp. Adobe Postscript (PSSNFS) font packages may also be loaded, depending
                    on your font settings.

legend_borderaxespad = 0.5  [default: 0.5]
                    the border between the axes and legend edge

legend_borderpad = 0.4      [default: 0.4]
                    border whitespace

legend_columnspacing = 0.5  [default: 0.5]
                    column separation

legend_edgecolor = inherit  [default: 0.8]
                    background patch boundary color

legend_facecolor = inherit  [default: inherit]
                    inherit from axes.facecolor; or color spec

legend_fancybox = False     [default: True]
                    if True, use a rounded box for the legend background, else a rectangle

legend_fontsize = 9.0       [default: 9.0]

legend_framealpha = None    [default: traitlets.Undefined]
                    legend patch transparency

legend_frameon = False      [default: False]
                    if True, draw the legend on a background patch

legend_handleheight = 0.7   [default: 0.7]
                    the height of the legend handle

legend_handlelength = 2.0   [default: 2.0]
                    the length of the legend lines

legend_handletextpad = 0.1  [default: 0.1]
                    the space between the legend line and legend text

legend_labelspacing = 0.2   [default: 0.2]
                    the vertical space between the legend entries

legend_loc = upper right    [default: best]

legend_markerscale = 1.0    [default: 1.0]
                    the relative size of legend markers vs. original

legend_numpoints = 1        [default: 1]
                    the number of marker points in the legend line

legend_scatterpoints = 1    [default: 1]
                    number of scatter points

legend_shadow = False       [default: False]
                    if True, give background a shadow effect

lines_antialiased = True    [default: True]
                    render lines in antialiased (no jaggies)

lines_color = b     [default: b]
                    has no affect on plot(); see axes.prop_cycle

lines_dash_capstyle = butt  [default: butt]

lines_dash_joinstyle = round        [default: round]

lines_dashdot_pattern = (3.0, 5.0, 1.0, 5.0)        [default: traitlets.Undefined]

lines_dashed_pattern = (6.0, 6.0)   [default: traitlets.Undefined]

lines_dotted_pattern = (1.0, 3.0)   [default: traitlets.Undefined]

lines_linestyle = -         [default: -]
                    solid line

lines_linewidth = 0.75      [default: 0.75]
                    line width in points

lines_marker = None         [default: None]
                    the default marker

lines_markeredgecolor = auto        [default: auto]
                    the default markeredgecolor

lines_markeredgewidth = 0.0         [default: 0.0]
                    the line width around the marker symbol

lines_markerfacecolor = auto        [default: auto]
                    the default markerfacecolor

lines_markersize = 7.0      [default: 7.0]
                    markersize, in points

lines_scale_dashes = False  [default: False]

lines_solid_capstyle = round        [default: round]

lines_solid_joinstyle = round       [default: round]

markers_fillstyle = full    [default: full]

mathtext_bf = dejavusans:bold       [default: dejavusans:bold]

mathtext_cal = cursive      [default: cursive]

mathtext_default = regular  [default: regular]
                    The default font to use for math. Can be any of the LaTeX font names, including
                    the special name "regular" for the same font used in regular text.

mathtext_fallback_to_cm = False     [default: False]
                    When True, use symbols from the Computer Modern fonts when a symbol can not be
                    found in one of the custom math fonts.

mathtext_fontset = dejavusans       [default: dejavusans]
                    Should be "dejavusans" (default), "dejavuserif", "cm" (Computer Modern), "stix",
                    "stixsans" or "custom"

mathtext_it = dejavusans:italic     [default: dejavusans:italic]

mathtext_rm = dejavusans    [default: dejavusans]

mathtext_sf = sans\-serif   [default: sans\-serif]

mathtext_tt = monospace     [default: monospace]

max_lines_in_stack = 1000   [default: 1000]
                    Maximum number of lines to plot in stack plots

method_1D = pen     [default: pen]
                    Default plot methods for 1D datasets

method_2D = stack   [default: stack]
                    Default plot methods for 2D datasets

method_3D = surface         [default: surface]
                    Default plot methods for 3D datasets

number_of_contours = 50     [default: 50]
                    Number of contours

number_of_x_labels = 5      [default: 5]
                    Number of X labels

number_of_y_labels = 5      [default: 5]
                    Number of Y labels

number_of_z_labels = 5      [default: 5]
                    Number of Z labels

patch_antialiased = True    [default: True]
                    render patches in antialiased (no jaggies)

patch_edgecolor = k         [default: black]
                    if forced, or patch is not filled

patch_facecolor = 4C72B0    [default: 4C72B0]

patch_force_edgecolor = False       [default: False]
                    True to always use edgecolor

patch_linewidth = 0.3       [default: 0.3]
                    edge width in points.

path_simplify = True        [default: True]
                    When True, simplify paths by removing "invisible" points to reduce file size and
                    increase rendering speed

path_simplify_threshold = 0.111111111111    [default: 0.111111111111]
                    The threshold of similarity below which vertices will be removed in the
                    simplification process

path_sketch = None  [default: None]
                    May be none, or a 3-tuple of the form (scale, length, randomness). *scale* is
                    the amplitude of the wiggle perpendicular to the line (in pixels). *length* is
                    the length of the wiggle along the line (in pixels). *randomness* is the factor
                    by which the length is randomly scaled.

path_snap = True    [default: True]
                    When True, rectilinear axis-aligned paths will be snapped to the nearest pixel
                    when certain criteria are met. When False, paths will never be snapped.

polaraxes_grid = True       [default: True]
                    display grid on polar axes

rcount = 50         [default: 50]
                    rcount (steps in the row mode) for surface plot

savefig_bbox = standard     [default: standard]
                    "tight" or "standard". "tight" is incompatible with pipe-based animation
                    backends but will worked with temporary file based ones: e.g. setting
                    animation.writer to ffmpeg will not work, use ffmpeg_file instead

savefig_directory =      [default: ]
                    default directory in savefig dialog box, leave empty to always use current
                    working directory

savefig_dpi = 100.0         [default: 300]
                    figure dots per inch or "figure"

savefig_edgecolor = white   [default: white]
                    figure edgecolor when saving

savefig_facecolor = white   [default: white]
                    figure facecolor when saving

savefig_format = png        [default: png]
                    png, ps, pdf, svg

savefig_jpeg_quality = 95   [default: 95]
                    when a jpeg is saved, the default quality parameter.

savefig_pad_inches = 0.1    [default: 0.1]
                    Padding to be used when bbox is set to "tight"

savefig_transparent = False         [default: False]
                    setting that controls whether figures are saved with a transparent background by

scatter_marker = o  [default: o]
                    The default marker type for scatter plots.

show_projection_x = False   [default: False]
                    Show projection along x

show_projection_y = False   [default: False]
                    Show projection along y

show_projections = False    [default: False]
                    Show all projections

simplify = False    [default: False]
                    Matplotlib path simplification for improving performance

style = scpy        [default: traitlets.Undefined]
                    Basic matplotlib style to use

stylesheets = /home/runner/micromamba/envs/scpy_docs/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scp_data/stylesheets      [default: ]
                    Directory where to look for local defined matplotlib styles when they are not in
                    the standard location

text_antialiased = True     [default: True]
                    If True (default), the text will be antialiased. This only affects the Agg

text_color = .15    [default: .15]

text_hinting = auto         [default: auto]
                    May be one of the following: 'none': Perform no hinting * 'auto': Use freetype's
                    autohinter * 'native': Use the hinting information in the font file, if
                    available, and if your freetype library supports it * 'either': Use the native
                    hinting information or the autohinter if none is available. For backward
                    compatibility, this value may also be True === 'auto' or False === 'none'.

text_hinting_factor = 8.0   [default: 8]
                    Specifies the amount of softness for hinting in the horizontal direction. A
                    value of 1 will hint to full pixels. A value of 2 will hint to half pixels etc.

text_usetex = False         [default: False]
                    use latex for all text handling. The following fonts are supported through the
                    usual rc parameter settings: new century schoolbook, bookman, times, palatino,
                    zapf chancery, charter, serif, sans-serif, helvetica, avant garde, courier,
                    monospace, computer modern roman, computer modern sans serif, computer modern
                    typewriter. If another font is desired which can loaded using the LaTeX
                    \usepackage command, please inquire at the matplotlib mailing list

timezone = UTC      [default: UTC]
                    a IANA timezone string, e.g., US/Central or Europe/Paris

use_plotly = False  [default: False]
                    Use Plotly instead of MatPlotLib for plotting (mode Matplotlib more suitable for
                    printing publication ready figures)

xtick_bottom = True         [default: True]
                    draw ticks on the bottom side

xtick_color = .15   [default: .15]
                    color of the tick labels

xtick_direction = out       [default: out]

xtick_labelsize = 10.0      [default: 10.0]
                    fontsize of the tick labels

xtick_major_bottom = True   [default: True]
                    draw x axis bottom major ticks

xtick_major_pad = 4.0       [default: 3.5]
                    distance to major tick label in points

xtick_major_size = 4.0      [default: 3.5]
                    major tick size in points

xtick_major_top = True      [default: True]
                    draw x axis top major ticks

xtick_major_width = 0.5     [default: 0.8]
                    major tick width in points

xtick_minor_bottom = True   [default: True]
                    draw x axis bottom minor ticks

xtick_minor_pad = 4.0       [default: 3.4]
                    distance to the minor tick label in points

xtick_minor_size = 2.0      [default: 2.0]
                    minor tick size in points

xtick_minor_top = True      [default: True]
                    draw x axis top minor ticks

xtick_minor_visible = False         [default: False]
                    visibility of minor ticks on x-axis

xtick_minor_width = 0.5     [default: 0.6]
                    minor tick width in points

xtick_top = True    [default: False]
                    draw ticks on the top side

ytick_color = .15   [default: .15]
                    color of the tick labels

ytick_direction = out       [default: out]

ytick_labelsize = 10.0      [default: 10.0]
                    fontsize of the tick labels

ytick_left = True   [default: True]
                    draw ticks on the left side

ytick_major_left = True     [default: True]
                    draw y axis left major ticks

ytick_major_pad = 4.0       [default: 3.5]
                    distance to major tick label in points

ytick_major_right = True    [default: True]
                    draw y axis right major ticks

ytick_major_size = 4.0      [default: 3.5]
                    major tick size in points

ytick_major_width = 0.5     [default: 0.8]
                    major tick width in points

ytick_minor_left = True     [default: True]
                    draw y axis left minor ticks

ytick_minor_pad = 4.0       [default: 3.4]
                    distance to the minor tick label in points

ytick_minor_right = True    [default: True]
                    draw y axis right minor ticks

ytick_minor_size = 2.0      [default: 2.0]
                    minor tick size in points

ytick_minor_visible = False         [default: False]
                    visibility of minor ticks on y-axis

ytick_minor_width = 0.5     [default: 0.6]
                    minor tick width in points

ytick_right = True  [default: False]
                    draw ticks on the right side