Installation Guide for Windows

Installation using Conda

The following steps have been checked only with windows 10 but should work with previous versions as well.

We highly recommend that all new users install SpectroChemPy interface via Conda. You can install Spectrochempy in a dedicated environment (recommended, steps 4 and 5. below). You can also use your base environment or an existing environment (then skip steps 4 and 5.)

  1. Open a command prompt (Select the Start button and type cmd), or preferably open the Anaconda Prompt in the Anaconda start Menu.

    Anaconda Prompt
  2. Update conda (yes, even if you have just installed the distribution…):

    (base) C:\<yourDefaultPath>> conda update conda

    where <yourDefaultPath> is you default workspace directory (often: C:\Users\)

  3. Add channels to get specific packages:

    (base) C:\<yourDefaultPath>> conda config --add channels conda-forge
    (base) C:\<yourDefaultPath>> conda config --add channels spectrocat
    (base) C:\<yourDefaultPath>> conda config --add channels cantera
  4. Recommended: you can create a dedicated environment. We will name it scpy in this example but, of course, you can use whatever name you want.

    (base) C:\<yourDefaultPath>> conda create --name scpy

    Switch to this environment. At this point, (scpy) should appear before the prompt instead of (base) .

    (base) C:\<yourDefaultPath>> conda activate scpy
    (scpy) C:\<yourDefaultPath>>


    You can make the scipy environment permanent by creating and using the following batch file (.bat)

    @REM launch a cmd window in scpy environment (path should beadapted)
    @CALL CD C:\<yourWorkingFolder>
    @CALL CMD /K C:\<yourAnacondaFolder>\Scripts\activate.bat scpy

    This script, where <yourAnacondaFolder> is the installation directory of your Miniconda/Anaconda distribution will open a command prompt in C:\<yourWorkingFolder> with the scpy environment activated.

    Save the .bat file, for instance in C:\<yourAnacondaFolder>Scriptsactivate-scpy.bat, create a shortcut, name it, for instance, Anaconda prompt (scpy) and place it in an easily accessible place (e.g. the Windows Startmenu Folder).

  5. Install SpectroChemPy

    The conda installer has to solve all packages dependencies and is definitely a bit slow. So we recommend to install mamba as a drop-in replacement via:

    (scpy) C:\<yourDefaultPath>> conda install mamba

    To install a stable version of spectrochempy, then you just have to do :

    (scpy) C:\<yourDefaultPath>> mamba install spectrochempy

    or if you rather prefer not to use mamba:

    (scpy) C:\<yourDefaultPath>> conda install spectrochempy

    This can take time, depending on your python installation and the number of missing packages.

    If you prefer to deal with the latest development version, you must use the following command to install from the spectrocat/label/dev channel instead of the spectrocat channel:

    (scpy) C:\<yourDefaultPath>> mamba install -c spectrocat/label/dev spectrochempy

Installation using pip

If you prefer to use pip, here are the installation steps. We assume that you have a working installation of python > 3.6.

  1. Open a terminal and update pip:

    C:\<yourDefaultPath>> py -m pip install --user --upgrade pip
  2. Creating a virtual environment

    C:\<yourDefaultPath>> py -m venv env
    C:\<yourDefaultPath>> .\env\Scripts\activate

    Check that you in the correct environment

    C:\<yourDefaultPath>> where python
  3. Install all required packages

    The easiest way to achieve this is to use the requirements.txt present on our github repository or in the present documentation (<link>)

    C:\<yourDefaultPath>> py -m pip install -r
  4. Install spectrochempy from pypi

    C:\<yourDefaultPath>> python -m pip install spectrochempy

Check the Installation

Check the installation by running a IPython session by issuing in the terminal the following command:

C:\<yourDefaultPath>> ipython

Then execute the following command:

In [1]: from spectrochempy import *

If this goes well, you should see the following output, indicating that Spectrochempy is likely functional !

SpectroChemPy's API - v.0.2.16
© Copyright 2014-2021 - A.Travert & C.Fernandez @ LCS

The recommended next step is to proceed to the User’s Guide & Tutorials .