EFA analysis (Keller and Massart original example)

In this example, we perform the Evolving Factor Analysis of a TEST dataset (ref. Keller and Massart, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 12 (1992) 209-224 )

import numpy as np
import spectrochempy as scp

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 5

Generate a test dataset

1) simulated chromatogram

t = scp.Coord(np.arange(15), units="minutes", title="time")  # time coordinates
c = scp.Coord(range(2), title="components")  # component coordinates

data = np.zeros((2, 15), dtype=np.float64)
data[0, 3:8] = [1, 3, 6, 3, 1]  # compound 1
data[1, 5:11] = [1, 3, 5, 3, 1, 0.5]  # compound 2

dsc = scp.NDDataset(data=data, coords=[c, t])

2) absorption spectra

spec = np.array([[2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.0]])
w = scp.Coord(np.arange(1, 5, 1), units="nm", title="wavelength")

dss = scp.NDDataset(data=spec, coords=[c, w])

3) simulated data matrix

plot efa keller massart
<_Axes: xlabel='values $\\mathrm{}$', ylabel='intensity $\\mathrm{}$'>

4) evolving factor analysis (EFA)

Plots of the log(EV) for the forward and backward analysis

efa.f_ev.T.plot(yscale="log", legend=efa.f_ev.y.labels)

  • plot efa keller massart
  • plot efa keller massart
<_Axes: xlabel='values $\\mathrm{}$', ylabel='EigenValues $\\mathrm{}$'>

Looking at these EFA curves, it is quite obvious that only two components are really significant, and this corresponds to the data that we have in input. We can consider that the third EFA components is mainly due to the noise, and so we can use it to set a cut of values

we concatenate the datasets to plot them in a single figure

both = scp.concatenate(f2, b2)

# TODO: add "legend" keyword in NDDataset.plot()
plot efa keller massart
<_Axes: xlabel='values $\\mathrm{}$', ylabel='EigenValues $\\mathrm{}$'>

Get the abstract concentration profile based on the FIFO EFA analysis

efa.cutoff = None
c = efa.get_conc(n_pc)

# scp.show()  # uncomment to show plot if needed (not necessary in jupyter notebook)
plot efa keller massart
<_Axes: xlabel='values $\\mathrm{}$', ylabel='relative concentration $\\mathrm{}$'>

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 2.049 seconds)

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