Units manipulation examples

In this example, we show how units can be used in SpectroChemPy

import spectrochempy as scp

Spectrochempy can do calculations with units - it uses [pint](https://pint.readthedocs.io) to define and perform operation on data with units.

Create quantities

To create quantity, use for instance, one of the following expression:

scp.Quantity("10.0 cm^-1")

scp.Quantity(1.0, "cm^-1/hour")
1.0 cm-1.h-1

or may be simpler using ur:

ur = scp.ur
10.0 * ur.meter / ur.gram / ur.volt
10.0 m.V-1.g-1

ur stands for unit registry, which handle many type of units (and conversion between them)

Units for dataset

When loading experimental dataset using the read method, units are generally attributed to coordinates and data

ds = scp.read("wodger.spg")[0]
prefs = ds.preferences
prefs.figure.figsize = (7, 3)
_ = ds.plot()
plot units
  • wavenumbers (x ) coordinates are here expressed in $cm^{-1}$

  • and data are in absorbance ($a.u.$) units.

Convert between units

Here are some examples

x = 36 * ur("km/hr")
1000.0 cm.s-1

We can make the conversion inplace using ito instead of to

10.0 m.s-1

Obviously you cannot convert between incompatible units

except scp.DimensionalityError as e:
    scp.error_(scp.DimensionalityError, e)

This, of course, also applies to NDDataset. Let’s try for the x coordinate. It is wavenumber in $cm^{-1}$ that can be transformed in $Hz$ for instance:

_ = ds.plot()
plot units

We can also change the wavenumbers (or frequency units), to energy units or wavelength as Spectrochempy (thanks to [pint](https://pint.readthedocs.io)) knows how to make the transformation.

_ = ds.plot()

except Exception as e:
    scp.error_(Exception, e)

ds.x = ds.x.to("nanometer")
_ = ds.plot()
  • plot units
  • plot units
Coord: [float64] nm (size: 5549)

absorbance units (the units of the data) can also be transformed into transmittance

_ = ds.plot()

_ = ds.plot()
  • plot units
  • plot units

This ends the example ! The following line can be uncommented if no plot shows when running the .py script


Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.052 seconds)

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