
You are reading the documentation related to the development version. Go here if you are looking for the documentation of the stable release.

Install optional dependencies

Depending on your project, you may complete SpectroChemPy with additional but optional dependencies that are only used for specific methods. For example, cantera_utilities.py requires the cantera package.

If the optional dependency is not installed, SpectroChempy will raise an ImportError when the method requiring that dependency is called.

Examples and test data

When installing the SpectroChemPy package, the data and examples used in documentation and for testing are not provided. If you want to try the documentation examples, you need to install them separately using:

$ mamba install -c spectrocat spectrochempy_data

Alternatively you can download an archive on github and unpack it in the directory of your choice. In this case you may need to adapt the path for the reading functions.


Cantera is a suite of tools for problems involving chemical kinetics, thermodynamics and transport process (see cantera documentation).

We provide some functionalities based on cantera in SpectroChemPy . If you want to use it you need first to install cantera:

$ mamba install -c cantera cantera

for the stable version or

$ mamba install -c cantera/label/dev cantera

for the development version.


If you like to have the matplotlib qt backend for your plots, you need to install the pyqt library.

$ mamba install pyqt

Then you can use e.g., the qt backend in notebooks using the IPython “magic” line:

%matplotlib qt