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Peak integration

This tutorial shows how to find peak maxima and determine peak areas with spectrochempy. As prerequisite, the user is expected to have read the Import, Import IR, slicing and baseline correction tutorials.

First lets import the SpectroChemPy API

import spectrochempy as scp
  SpectroChemPy's API - v.0.6.9.dev9
© Copyright 2014-2024 - A.Travert & C.Fernandez @ LCS

Now import some 2D data into a NDDataset object

ds = scp.read_omnic("irdata/nh4y-activation.spg")
name nh4y-activation
author runner@fv-az1106-694
created 2024-04-27 03:04:48+02:00
Omnic title: NH4Y-activation.SPG
Omnic filename: /home/runner/.spectrochempy/testdata/irdata/nh4y-activation.spg
2024-04-27 03:04:48+02:00> Imported from spg file /home/runner/.spectrochempy/testdata/irdata/nh4y-activation.spg.
2024-04-27 03:04:48+02:00> Sorted by date
title absorbance
[[ 2.057 2.061 ... 2.013 2.012]
[ 2.033 2.037 ... 1.913 1.911]
[ 1.794 1.791 ... 1.198 1.198]
[ 1.816 1.815 ... 1.24 1.238]] a.u.
shape (y:55, x:5549)
size 5549
title wavenumbers
[ 6000 5999 ... 650.9 649.9] cm⁻¹
size 55
title acquisition timestamp (GMT)
[1.468e+09 1.468e+09 ... 1.468e+09 1.468e+09] s
[[ 2016-07-06 19:03:14+00:00 2016-07-06 19:13:14+00:00 ... 2016-07-07 04:03:17+00:00 2016-07-07 04:13:17+00:00]
[ vz0466.spa, Wed Jul 06 21:00:38 2016 (GMT+02:00) vz0467.spa, Wed Jul 06 21:10:38 2016 (GMT+02:00) ...
vz0520.spa, Thu Jul 07 06:00:41 2016 (GMT+02:00) vz0521.spa, Thu Jul 07 06:10:41 2016 (GMT+02:00)]]

It’s a series of 55 spectra.

For the demonstration select only the first 20 on a limited region from 1250 to 1800 cm\(^{-1}\) (Do not forget to use floating numbers for slicing)

X = ds[:20, 1250.0:1800.0]

We can also eventually remove offset on the acquisition time dimension (y)

X.y -= X.y[0]
X.y.title = "acquisition time"

We set some plotting preferences and then plot the raw data

prefs = X.preferences
prefs.figure.figsize = (6, 3)
prefs.colormap = "Dark2"
prefs.colorbar = True
<_Axes: xlabel='wavenumbers $\\mathrm{/\\ \\mathrm{cm}^{-1}}$', ylabel='absorbance $\\mathrm{/\\ \\mathrm{a.u.}}$'>

Now we can perform some baseline correction

blc = scp.Baseline()
blc.ranges = (
    [1740.0, 1800.0],
    [1550.0, 1570.0],
    [1250.0, 1300.0],
)  # define 3 regions where we want the baseline to reach zero.
blc.model = "polynomial"
blc.order = 3

blc.fit(X)  # fit the baseline

Xcorr = blc.corrected  # get the corrected dataset
<_Axes: xlabel='wavenumbers $\\mathrm{/\\ \\mathrm{cm}^{-1}}$', ylabel='absorbance $\\mathrm{/\\ \\mathrm{a.u.}}$'>

To integrate each row on the full range, we can use the sum or trapz method of a NDDataset.

inttrapz = Xcorr.trapezoid(dim="x")
intsimps = Xcorr.simpson(dim="x")
 WARNING | (DeprecationWarning) 'scipy.integrate.trapz' is deprecated in favour of 'scipy.integrate.trapezoid' and will be removed in SciPy 1.14.0
 WARNING | (DeprecationWarning) 'scipy.integrate.simps' is deprecated in favour of 'scipy.integrate.simpson' and will be removed in SciPy 1.14.0

As you can see both method give almost the same results in this case

    datasets=[inttrapz, intsimps],
    labels=["trapzoidal rule", "simpson' rule"],
<_Axes: xlabel='acquisition time $\\mathrm{/\\ \\mathrm{min}}$', ylabel='area $\\mathrm{/\\ \\mathrm{a.u.} \\cdot \\mathrm{cm}^{-1}}$'>

The difference between the trapezoidal and simpson integration methods is visualized below. In this case they are extremely close.

diff = (inttrapz - intsimps) * 100.0 / intsimps
diff.title = "difference"
diff.units = "percent"
diff.plot(scatter=True, ms=5)
<_Axes: xlabel='acquisition time $\\mathrm{/\\ \\mathrm{min}}$', ylabel='difference $\\mathrm{/\\ \\mathrm{\\%}}$'>