Loading RAMAN experimental file

Here we load experimental LABSPEC spectra and plot them.

import spectrochempy as scp

define the folder where are the spectra

A = scp.read_labspec("Activation.txt", directory=ramandir)

A = scp.read_labspec("532nm-191216-Si_200mu.txt", directory=ramandir)

A = scp.read_labspec("serie190214-1.txt", directory=ramandir)

A = scp.read_labspec("SMC1-Initial_RT.txt", directory=ramandir)
_ = A.plot()
  • plot read raman from labspec
  • plot read raman from labspec
  • plot read raman from labspec
  • plot read raman from labspec
  • plot read raman from labspec

Open a dialog - note the presence of the keyword directory

this pack all spectra of the subdir directory (without dialog - look at the difference above)

B = scp.read_labspec(ramandir / "subdir")
_ = B.plot()
plot read raman from labspec

This ends the example ! The following line can be uncommented if no plot shows when running the .py script


Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 4.554 seconds)

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