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align(dataset, *others, **kwargs)[source]

Align individual NDDataset along given dimensions using various methods.

  • dataset (NDDataset) – Dataset on which we want to align other objects.

  • *others (NDDataset) – Objects to align.

  • dim (str. Optional, default=’x’) – Along which axis to perform the alignment.

  • dims (list of str, optional, default=None) – Align along all dims defined in dims (if dim is also defined, then dims have higher priority).

  • method (enum [‘outer’, ‘inner’, ‘first’, ‘last’, ‘interpolate’], optional, default=’outer’) – Which method to use for the alignment.

    If align is defined :

    • ‘outer’ means that a union of the different coordinates is achieved (missing values are masked).

    • ‘inner’ means that the intersection of the coordinates is used.

    • ‘first’ means that the first dataset is used as reference.

    • ‘last’ means that the last dataset is used as reference.

    • ‘interpolate’ means that interpolation is performed relative to the first dataset.

  • interpolate_method (enum [‘linear’,’pchip’]. Optional, default=’linear’) – Method of interpolation to performs for the alignment.

  • interpolate_sampling (‘auto’, int or float. Optional, default=’auto’) – Values:

    • ‘auto’ : sampling is determined automatically from the existing data.

    • int : if an integer values is specified, then the sampling interval for the interpolated data will be split in this number of points.

    • float : If a float value is provided, it determines the interval between the interpolated data.

  • coord (Coord , optional, default=None) – Coordinates to use for alignment. Ignore those corresponding to the dimensions to align.

  • copy (bool, optional, default=True) – If False then the returned objects will share memory with the original objects, whenever it is possible : in principle only if reindexing is not necessary.


tuple of NDDataset – Same objects as datasets with dimensions aligned.


ValueError – Issued when the dimensions given in dim or dims argument are not compatibles (units, titles, etc.).