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class IrisKernel(X, K, p=None, q=None, **kwargs)[source]

Define a kernel matrix of Fredholm equation of the 1st kind.

This class define a kernel matrix as a NDDataset compatible with the X input NDDataset.

Pre-defined kernels can be chosen among: {'langmuir', 'ca', 'reactant-first-order', 'product-first-order', 'diffusion'}, a custom kernel function - a 2-variable lambda function K(p, q) or a function returning a ndarray can be passed. p and q contain the values of an external experimental variable and an internal physico-chemical parameter, respectively.

  • X (NDDataset) – The 1D or 2D dataset for the kernel is defined.

  • K (any of [ 'langmuir' , 'ca' , 'reactant-first-order' , 'product-first-order' , 'diffusion' ] or callable or NDDataset) – Predefined or user-defined Kernel for the integral equation.

  • p (Coord or iterable) – External variable. Must be provided if the kernel K is passed as a str or callable .

  • q (Coord or iterable of 3 values) – Internal variable. Must be provided if the kernel K is passed as a str or callable.

Examples using spectrochempy.IrisKernel

2D-IRIS analysis example

2D-IRIS analysis example