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class polynomialbaseline[source]

Arbitrary-degree polynomial (degree limited to 10, however).

As a linear baseline is automatically calculated, this polynom is always of greater or equal to order 2 (parabolic function).

\[f(x) = ampl * \sum_{i=2}^{max} c_i*x^i\]

Attributes Summary




Attributes Documentation

args = ['ampl', 'c_2', 'c_3', 'c_4', 'c_5', 'c_6', 'c_7', 'c_8', 'c_9', 'c_10']
script = '\n    MODEL: baseline%(id)d\nshape: polynomialbaseline\n    # This polynom starts at the order 2\n    # as a linear baseline is additionally fitted automatically\n    # parameters must be in the form c_i where i is an integer as shown below\n    $ ampl: %(scale).3g, 0.0, None\n    $ c_2: 1.0, None, None\n    * c_3: 0.0, None, None\n    * c_4: 0.0, None, None\n    # etc...\n    '
type = '1D'

Examples using spectrochempy.polynomialbaseline