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PCA analysis example

In this example, we perform the PCA dimensionality reduction of a spectra dataset

Import the spectrochempy API package

import spectrochempy as scp

Load a dataset

dataset = scp.read_omnic("irdata/nh4y-activation.spg")[::5]
_ = dataset.plot()
plot pca spec
NDDataset: [float64] a.u. (shape: (y:11, x:5549))

Create a PCA object and fit the dataset so that the explained variance is greater or equal to 99.9%

pca = scp.PCA(n_components=0.999)
<spectrochempy.analysis.decomposition.pca.PCA object at 0x7f521adaebc0>

The number of fitted components is given by the n_components attribute (We obtain 23 components)


Transform the dataset to a lower dimensionality using all the fitted components

name nh4y-activation_PCA.transform
author runner@fv-az1501-19
created 2024-04-28 03:08:38+02:00
2024-04-28 03:08:38+02:00> Created using method PCA.transform
[[ 71.56 16.87 ... -0.006776 -0.216]
[ 50.39 -8.205 ... 0.5566 0.03804]
[ -26.25 1.694 ... 0.1281 -0.6077]
[ -25.46 1.456 ... 4.175 0.7883]]
shape (y:11, k:6)
size 6
title components
[ #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5]
size 11
title acquisition timestamp (GMT)
[1.468e+09 1.468e+09 ... 1.468e+09 1.468e+09] s
[[ 2016-07-06 19:03:14+00:00 2016-07-06 19:53:14+00:00 ... 2016-07-07 02:43:15+00:00 2016-07-07 03:33:17+00:00]
[ vz0466.spa, Wed Jul 06 21:00:38 2016 (GMT+02:00) vz0471.spa, Wed Jul 06 21:50:37 2016 (GMT+02:00) ...
vz0512.spa, Thu Jul 07 04:40:39 2016 (GMT+02:00) vz0517.spa, Thu Jul 07 05:30:41 2016 (GMT+02:00)]]

Finally, display the results graphically ScreePlot

  • Scree plot
  • plot pca spec

Score Plot

Score plot

Score Plot for 3 PC’s in 3D

_ = pca.scoreplot(scores, 1, 2, 3)
Score plot

Displays 4 loadings

_ = pca.loadings[:4].plot(legend=True)
plot pca spec

Here we do a masking of the saturated region between 882 and 1280 cm^-1

    :, 882.0:1280.0
] = scp.MASKED  # remember: use float numbers for slicing (not integer)
_ = dataset.plot()
plot pca spec

Apply the PCA model

pca = scp.PCA(n_components=0.999)

As seen above, now only 4 components instead of 23 are necessary to 99.9% of explained variance.

  • Scree plot
  • plot pca spec

Displays the loadings

_ = pca.loadings.plot(legend=True)
plot pca spec

Let’s plot the scores

Score plot

Labeling scoreplot with spectra labels Our dataset has already two columns of labels for the spectra but there are little too long for display on plots.

array([[  2016-07-06 19:03:14+00:00,   vz0466.spa, Wed Jul 06 21:00:38 2016 (GMT+02:00)],
       [  2016-07-06 19:53:14+00:00,   vz0471.spa, Wed Jul 06 21:50:37 2016 (GMT+02:00)],
       [  2016-07-07 02:43:15+00:00,   vz0512.spa, Thu Jul 07 04:40:39 2016 (GMT+02:00)],
       [  2016-07-07 03:33:17+00:00,   vz0517.spa, Thu Jul 07 05:30:41 2016 (GMT+02:00)]], dtype=object)

So we define some short labels for each component, and add them as a third column:

labels = [lab[:6] for lab in dataset.y.labels[:, 1]]
scores.y.labels = labels  # Note this does not replace previous labels,
# but adds a column.

now display thse

_ = pca.scoreplot(scores, 1, 2, show_labels=True, labels_column=2)
Score plot

This ends the example ! The following line can be uncommented if no plot shows when running the .py script with python

# scp.show()

Total running time of the script: ( 0 minutes 1.373 seconds)

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